The best course materials are the ones that fit your course and your teaching style. At FlatWorld, we understand that no two courses are exactly alike, and that’s why we’ve made it easier than ever for instructors to take control of their textbooks.
All of our textbooks are available ready-to-go or can be fully customized, within our eReader, to align with your unique syllabus, teaching style, and student needs.
Complete Flexibility with Our eReader
With FlatWorld’s intuitive eReader, customization is seamless. You can easily modify your adopted textbook at the chapter, section, or even individual paragraph level.
Need to rearrange chapters to match your course flow? Done.
Want to remove content that doesn’t align with your teaching objectives? No problem.
Looking to add your own notes, examples, or case studies? It’s as simple as clicking a button and adding your content.
Our customization options allow you to:
- Add content to reinforce key concepts or include real-world applications.
- Remove sections that aren’t relevant to your specific course objectives.
- Rearrange chapters to better fit your syllabus timeline.
- Edit text to tailor explanations and examples for your students.
Every instructor has their own approach to teaching, and every group of students has different learning needs. By allowing instructors to personalize their textbooks, we empower educators to create a learning experience that maximizes engagement and comprehension.
Our customizable textbooks give you the flexibility to deliver exactly what your students need—nothing more, nothing less.
FlatWorld’s digital format offers unmatched interactivity, accessibility, and convenience. With our eReader, students can engage with dynamic content, search for key terms instantly, highlight important passages, and take notes—all within a seamless digital experience.
With FlatWorld, your course truly is your way. Our easy-to-use eReader and customization tools put the power in your hands, making it simple to craft the perfect textbook for your students. Get started today and create materials that match your teaching style, course structure, and learning goals—because the best textbooks are the ones designed with your students in mind.